If you're installing a new floor in your kitchen, you are probably wondering what to do with the units and appliances - Do you install the floor all the way under the fridge, or do you just go up to the edges? A quick search online brings up a lot of debate on the issue, but no clear answers, so let us simplify for you:
In our opinion, you are much, much better off laying your floor up to the edges of the units and appliances, rather than trying to install underneath them. Want to know why? Here's our 5 main reasons:
Save yourself some money! There's no point having the most beautiful floor in the world if it's going to be hidden under the oven. Keep the floor where everybody can see it, there's no need to spend that extra money putting it where it's not seen.
Sometimes, kitchen units can be very heavy (and often unbalanced) and put huge amounts of pressure on areas of your floor. Over time this could cause the floor to buckle and break.
By laying your floor last, it means that there's no chance of it being scratched or dented by workmen or the units. There's no worse sight than seeing a fridge dragged across a newly laid floor!
Leaving your floor until last also means you can get the most accurate measurement of your room, taking your units into account. Again, this is a great way to avoid unnecessary wastage.
And finally, if you ever come to replace your floor (but want to keep the units) you'll realise how much easier it is if you just install to the edges.
So there you have it - 5 very good reasons why you should not install your floor underneath the kitchen units and appliances. If you have any other questions, feel free to submit them via the contact form on the right hand side.
Not sure which floors are best suited for use in a kitchen. Both vinyl and our range of waterproof laminate floors are great choices for a kitchen flooring.