Real Wood Flooring Trims, Profiles, Adhesives, Edging, Skirting and Scotia
Trims & Profiles
Flooring trims and profiles cover the transition between different kinds of floors. These can cater for gaps between floors and changes in flooring heightheight. Kährs and Nätura trims may not match each other exactly so we suggest purchasing the same manufacturer for adjoining trims. We recommend installing trims with PinkGrip Adhesive.

Flooring Threshold Trims
Flooring threshold trims are used where your floor meets another floor of the same height. They are designed to hide the expansion gap between the two different floors.

Flooring Ramp Trims
A flooring ramp trim is designed to be used where one floor meets a floor of a different level such as an engineered floor and a vinyl floor. The ramp trim reduces down to the level of the lower floor.

Flooring Edge Trim
Flooring edge trims are used where a floor meets things like fire hearths, patio doors or door mats.

Floor Stair Nosing
If you're after a new floor for your stairs, you'll need a stair nosing. These cover the edges of stairs for a smooth and safe transition.

Carpet and Tile Trim
Carpet & tile trims are designed to joint two floors which sit at different heights. This can be tiles, carpet or just thinner floors. When you meet a lower height than your new floor you may need to adapt the trim slightly to fit the height of your existing floor.

Pipe Covers
Made to match your new engineered floor, pipe covers come in two halves and fit around your pipes. The idea is to cover the expansion gap required. We recommend that you glue the two halves together around the pipe, leaving the cover loose on the floor.
Real Wood and Parquet Adhesive
Rapid DPM
This is great idea if you've gone for an underlay without a DPM (Damp Proof Membrane) but you're laying over concrete or a non-absorbent subfloor. Be sure to check that the adhesive is compatible with your floor before you buy.
General Use
Suitable for engineered or solid wood parquet, we supply a number of multi-purpose adhesives for both professional and DIY installations.
Be sure to check that the adhesive is compatible with your floor before you buy. We can advise on which adhesives are more suited to your installation, feel free to get in touch so we can supply you the right stuff.
Real Wood Flooring Edging Options
You may have heard the term "bevelled edge" before, but not been sure what it means. Well a bevel is one way to finish off the edges of the board. The kind of edging you should choose depends mainly on the kind of look you'd like to achieve in your home.

Square Edge Solid Wood Flooring
When an engineered floor board has a square edge, the ends of all planks meet squarely creating a smooth, uniform surface that blends the wood floor together from plank to plank. The overall look of this engineered floor gives a more contemporary flair and formal feeling to the room.

Bevelled Edge Solid Wood Flooring
Bevelled edges on engineered floorboards accentuate each individual plank, resulting in a more traditional floorboard feel. Bevelled edge planks have a very distinctive, deep v-groove. They lend themselves more to an informal and country decor. The deep bevelling helps hide tiny gaps which can develop between boards.

Microbevelled Edge Solid Wood Flooring
Some people found that bevelled edges could become dust-traps, so microbevels were introduced. Microbevelled means each engineered plank has a slightly bevelled edge. It's a subtle way to distinguish between the planks, as opposed to the deeper bevelled edge, which still serves much of the same functions.
Real Wood Skirting & Scotia

Skirting Boards
Skirting boards have numerous historical uses. Some say they date back to when men wore spurs on their shoes, and others say they were to cover the gap where wet-plastered walls (which were difficult to make straight) met the floor. In modern times, they're much more useful to protect your wall from being worn away by vacuum cleaners, but they also cover the 10mm expansion gap around your floor.

If you're not replacing your old skirting boards around your room, you'll still need to cover the expansion gap next to your walls. This can be done subtly and elegantly with a scotia, which attaches to the skirting board to seamlessly cover the gap.